Basic Commands of Kali Linux 👿
All commands of Kali Linux along with examples and Screenshots.
- ifconfig: ifconfig stands for "Interface configuration". It will display the status of the system's active interfaces.
- apt-get: Debian repository for Kali Linux. apt stands for Advanced Package Tool.
- &&: to combine the second command.
- apt-get update: To update your system.
- apt-get upgrade: To upgrade your system.
- uname: The uname commands report the basic information of the computer's hardware or software.
- ls: ls is the command to list the computer's file.
- options you can use: -l, -a,-A, -m, etc.
- cd: The cd command is used to change the current directory.
- touch: The touch command is the easiest way to create a new Empty File.
- touch [filename]
- cat: To view the content of the file.
- cat [filename]
- rm: Removes files and directory.
- rm [filename]
- mkdir: To make directory.
- rmdir: To remove directory.
- man: User manual for any command.
- man [command]
- cp: To copy files.
- cp [source filename] [destination filename]
- pwd: The pwd command writes the full path name of the current working directory.
- locate: To locate the files in the system.
- locate [filename]
- mv: To move or rename files.
- mv [source filename][desti. filename]
- sort: To sort any file.
- sort wordlist.txt (for descending use -r option)
- zip: To create a *.zip file.
- zip [filename which you want to create like:] [file you want to compress: prince.txt]
- unzip: To extract a *.zip compressed file.
- unzip or if you want to unzip in another directory then use unzip -d prinsu/
- whereis: To find out where a specific command exists.
- whereis [command]
- adduser: To create a user.
- passwd: To change Password.
- su: To switch user.
- history: To check the history of commands.
- exit: To exit from terminal.
- chmod: used to change the Permissions of a file or directory.
- chmod 777 [filename] or chmod -R 777 [filename]
- CTRL + c: Kill command
- CTRL + z: Stop or suspend execution
- CTRL + l: Clear terminal
- CTRL + SHIFT + c: To copy
- CTRL + SHIFT + v: To paste
- CTRL + r: To search command history.
To Watch Kali Linux Commands Youtube Video:
Coming Soon...............!!
If you have any doubts regarding any of the commands please feel free to comment down below. I will respond ASAP.
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